Welcome to Year #3!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Hello there and Happy April, Year 3!! J

Thank you for joining me again this year!  If you are new here, each April I write this month-long blog in an effort to promote understanding and acceptance of autism.  It provides a short peek into what our life is like living with Autism.  This is Coleman’s story, and the story of 2 parents and 2 siblings doing their best to live with him, to care for him, to teach him, and to love him. .  It’s reflects our trials and tribulations, regressions and progressions, and a small glimpse into our hopes and fears.   

We’ve had a busy 12 months over here, filling our cup with all sorts of new and daring things.  I’m sure you will find some of them boring, some of them fun.  I will do my best to recall all of our important moments.  I did not, however, keep a running diary as I promised.   Seriously, you should know me better by now.   But alas, all is not lost, since I did manage to keep a few notes.  Further, since I am intricately involved in this day to day drama, I’m quite sure I can come up with the highlights (said the girl with an embarrassingly poor memory.)

I will try to keep my ramblings a bit shorter than in the past (hubby’s constructive criticism suggested they were a tad too lengthy) and while I won’t hit every day this month, I will work to post something every other day or two.  I do fear that this year will not be as ‘fun’ as prior years – you all have come to know Coleman fairly well, and while we are moving forward, our pace is intentionally slow.  The changes we are undertaking are purposeful but gradual.  We are excited and optimistic about what we’ve got going on, but if ever there was a case for the tortoise over the hare, this is certainly it.  Slow and steady is what we’re after, and that type of activity doesn’t lend itself to great story telling, I’m afraid. 

Still, I’ll do my best to keep it interesting and fun, and when the month passes, you’ll be up to speed on all our craziness.  And you’ll thank your lucky stars that you don’t live with us. J

Thanks again for tuning in. 

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