Welcome Back!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Welcome Back!! 

I don’t know about you, but for us the past year has been SO MUCH fun and time has FLOWN by.  I mean literally just whoosh, gone!  Whiplash fast. Lightning Speed.  And the days, they just can’t seem to last!  We wake up and amidst all of the fun, bam! the day is over!  So, so much fun! 


That’s, of course, a bunch of GD BS.  It’s been a torturously long year. It feels like 3 years. Maybe even 4. And there has been almost no fun.  So it won’t surprise you that I have nothing to write about this year.  And my boy has had a rough time.  Negative Nancy here.  But I do promise to try to find some good news to tell you about from the last 365 days.  Surely there is something good.  In fact, you know what?  No one cried today!  There it is!  Good news!  Enjoy it while it’s true, folks, the night isn’t over yet.   

Thank you for stopping by again – it’s our eighth year!  We're so glad you’ve come!

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