Welcome Back!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

I considered briefly that this might not be the best time to blog.  I considered that certainly during this time there are far more important and serious things going on.  I considered that amid a global pandemic, our family’s challenges and victories seem both insignificant and indulgent.  I considered that you all might be sick of me and this blog.  

But then I thought in fact, it is precisely during challenging times such as this that you all could use a break.  Quarantining for several weeks can make you cray-cray.  Now more than ever you need a distraction.  And so, because I am selflessly here for you, I am ready to once again expound on the ridiculousness that is my life.  Besides, you can’t possibly be sick of me yet.  It’s only been seven years.  Welcome back friends, and thanks for coming.  

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