A Reprieve

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day 18:  A Reprieve        

This is brief – I’m taking a semi-day off from the blog.  I had today off from work unexpectedly, and spent a great day at home with the kids.  We were baking and cooking, prepping for a surprise party we were hosting for my brother and his wife, both 50 this month.  We went to the park too and had just a nice day being together.   We prepped Coleman that we would have a lot of people over the house tonight – all his aunts and uncles…so he was quite ready when the first doorbell rang. 

There was a time not very long ago when this wouldn’t have been possible.  Coleman couldn’t handle people in the house.  He also couldn’t deal visiting people either.  He was only good at home with just us.  It was a lonely time, and thank God times have changed.  Coleman was thrilled to see everyone, was awesome as the guests arrived and even better through the happy birthday, a song he normally detests.  He was front and center through it all….hooray for him and hooray for us.  And Happy Birthday Ronnie and Chris!!  I'll be back tomorrow with a full post!! 

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